PR & Awards
O-Live & Co. has been recognized and awarded internationally for quality in taste, since we started. Check out some of our proudest moments below:
World Renowned Awards:

New York International Olive Oil Competition
The NYIOOC is the largest and most prestigious olive oil competition worldwide. The winners of this distinguished competition are regarded globally as the world’s best olive oils. We are so excited to announce that we were awarded a Gold Medal for our superb quality and taste. This year there were 900 olive oils participating from over 26 different countries.
This year, 2020, O-Live & Co. was awarded a Gold Award.

FLOS OLEI (2009 - 2020)
Flos Olei is the most important guide of extra virgin olive oil quality and taste in the world. Born in Italy in 2008, it receives more than 1500 EVOO samples from around the world, and a panel of taste experts rank only the top 500. Every sample receives a score up to 100. Our O-Live Everyday recently scored 97 points, which means it’s among the best 50 brands worldwide. (One of our main competitors, California Olive Ranch, only scored an 86 in comparison).
“It is a beautiful intense limpid golden yellow colour with slight green hues. Its aroma is elegant and complex, endowed with fruity hints of unripe tomato, banana and white apple, together with aromatic notes of basil and parsley. Its taste is rotund and harmonic, with a vegetal flavor of celery and lettuce and an almond finish. Bitterness is distinct and pungency is present and well balanced. It would be ideal on mayonnaise, barley appetizers, boiled asparagus, gilthead carpaccio, marinated bass, chickpea pureé, fish couscous, fried vegetables, shrimp tartare, soft fresh cheese and oven cookies.” - Marco Oreggia, FLOS OLEI guide 2020.

Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition (2008-2020)
The Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition is ranked second in the US (New York is first, don’t worry - we won there too) and fifth in the world. A team of highly respected judges combine the highest standards of integrity and professionalism to award medals to the best olive oils from around the globe. We have been winning awards at this competition annually since 2008. One of our most prized awards was the Best of Class Gold Medal we received in 2018.

Olive Japan (2012 - 2020)
This year this competition attracted olive oil producers from 700 competitors and 23 countries to be judged by 20 Japanese taste testers and judges. We have been awarded both silver and gold medals since 2012.

L’Orciolo d’Oro Competition - Milan (2008 -2015)
The L’Orciolo d’Oro Competition was the first of its kind in the world, born in Italy in 1991. This competition prides itself in it’s jury, composed of only the best tasters and professionals in the industry. O-Live & Co. has participated in this competition since 2008, taking home medals of all sorts throughout the years.
Honorable Mentions:

These Are the 5 Best Olive Oils for Just About Everything
“If an olive oil can be chill, this olive oil would be. It's no-drama flavor is mellow and relaxed, yet almost floral on the nose. This oil tastes like the height of spring smells. Use it for cooking—especially garlic bread.” - Men’s Health

The Best Extra-Virgin Olive Oils To Fire Up Your Taste Buds
“O-Live & Co. olive oils are a fresh mixture of Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki olive varieties. They’re great for everyday use, and pair nicely with everything from veggies to seafood. This one has a mild, fruity taste and is perfect for dipping, grilling, and roasting. If you want something more peppery and robust, pick [O-Live Robust].” - Fatherly O-Live & Co. Premium Mild & Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

The Best & Worst Olive Oils from the Grocery Store
“O-Live olive oil is one of an increasing number of olive oils made with olives from South America, in this case, Chile. This oil has a hint of sun and earth, with a mild finish that lends itself well to sauces and sautés.” - Southern Living