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Homemade Mayonnaise with Olive Oil and Garlic

Posted by Roberto Baro on
Homemade Mayonnaise with Olive Oil and Garlic

The tastiest homemade mayonnaise!

A reminder of how our moms and grandmothers used to make homemade mayonnaise... pure fork! 😱 SHOCKING this recipe from our #O-Live chef Alvaro Barrientos @alvarobarrientosm πŸ‘¨πŸΌπŸ³.

To watch the recipe video, click here!


O-Live & Co. extra virgin olive oil.
10 peeled garlic cloves
1 egg yolk

Heat the garlic with O-Live & Co. olive oil over medium heat until the garlic is soft. Drain the garlic and mash with a fork.

Stir/whisk the yolk and gradually add the O-Live & Co. olive oil until a stiff mayonnaise is formed. Add salt to taste.

3. Add the garlic paste to the mayonnaise.

Enjoy the best mayonnaise with O-Live!

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  • Rose on

    Love the mayonnaise recipe

  • Kaki on

    What is the amount of olive oil for the garlic mayonnaise? A little lemon might be good too!

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